A nine patch by any other name is still a nine patch. I love the plus variation of this pattern. I have seen many adorable plus quilts and I had to make one, or two. Here is a little tutorial for my plus quilt(s). Please note, I made two quilts from the fabric yardage and cutting. If you make 1 larger quilt, you will need to adjust the sashing yardage depending on how you make the quilt.
1/4 yard of 7 different fabrics. You can use 14 fat quarters instead if you want a scrappier look.
2.5 yards of white fabric
1. Cut (2) 2.5" X WOF strips of 7 different fabrics for a total of 14 strips. Cut (33) 2.5"X WOF strips of white fabric.
2. Cut each of the patterned strips and 14 of the white strips in half at the fold line. Sew 3 strips of the pattern fabric together to make the middle section of the block. Sew two white strips to two of the pattern fabric strips. There is 1 pattern strip left. I set it aside.
3. Cut each of the sewn strips into 2.5" X 6.5" rectangles. I pressed toward the dark on the outside strips and away from the middle for the middle strip.
You will have 8 blocks of from each of your 7 different colored fabric strips. If you use fat quarters, you will have 4 blocks from each of 14 different fabrics.
I've always been a fan of sashing as you go. I couldn't decide if I wanted a corner stone in the sashing or if I wanted plain white around each plus, so I made a little quilt with each. I divided my blocks into two piles. One of the quilts has 25 blocks for a 5 X 5 setting and one quilt has 30 blocks for a 5 X 6 setting. You have cut enough white strips to make sashing for two quilts or 1 large quilt.
4. For the 25 block quilt sashing, from your white strips cut 2.5" X WOF strips into (25) 6.5" rectangles and (25) 8.5" rectangles. If you are making 1 quilt with these blocks you will cut (56) 6.5" rectangles and (56) 8.5" rectangles for a 7 X 8 setting. (or 54 if you are doing a 6 X 9 setting.
5. Sew the 6.5" strip to the right side of the blocks.
6. Sew the 8.5" strips to the bottom of the block.
7. When the quilt is sewn together, you have an almost completely sashed quilt. To finish the sashing for a small quilt, from your 2.5" X WOF white fabric strips cut (5) 6.5" rectangles, (6) 2.5" squares and (5) 8.5" rectangles. Sew the 8.5" rectangles together. Sew one 2.5" square to each of the 6.5" rectangles and then sew them together and sew 1 square to the end. Sew the long strip with 8.5" rectangles to the top of the quilt. Sew the strip with the 2.5" squares and 6.5" rectangles to the left side of the quilt. If you are making a larger quilt, adjust this to make sashing strips for the left side and bottom of your quilt. You can put a border on the quilt or just quilt it and bind it. You're on your own for that part. 
Stay tuned to see what this sweet little quilt looks like with a corner stone in the sashing.
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Oh Scrap,
Moving it Forward,
Monday Making,
Midweek Makers, NTT,
Can I Get A Whoop, Whoop,
Fabric Frenzy Friday, She Can Sew,